Wintersemester 1999-2000
Wintersemester 1999-2000
- David Chapman (Ph. D. student at Cambridge)
Aspects of Crucifixion in Ancient Judaism
- Dr. Seyoon Kim (faculty of Fuller)
Isaiah 42 and the Call of Paul
- Dr. P. J. John (Pastor and Professor from Singapore)
A Lesson from Pietism on Re-Formation
- Jürgen Nickel (Gemeinde member who had just completed a year as an exchange student at Durham)
Paul’s Use of Joel 2:32 in Romans 10
- Soon Bong Choi (Korean doctoral student)
Der traditionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund von Galaterbrief 1:6-9
- Keith Myrick ( Church of Christ pastor studying in Tübingen)
Thoughts on the Judging of the World in 1 Corinthians 6:2
- Dr. Beth Langstaff (Recent Ph. D. from Princeton)
Baptism and Spirit in Calvin’s Exegesis of the Acts of the Apostles
- Dmitrij Boumajnov (Russian Orthodox Ph. D. student)
Die Vita des seligen Apa Aphu von Pemdje: Versuch einer Interpretation