Sommersemester 2002
Sommersemester 2002
- April 22, 2002
Prof. Dr. Hermann Lichtenberger
Qumran Messianism - May 13, 2002
Dr. Jack Lundbom, (Senior Fulbright Professor)
Jeremiah and the new covenant (as developed in OT, later Judaism and early Christianity) - May 27, 2002
Volker Rabens (PH.D. student Univ. Tübingen)
The Spirit’s Empowering for Religious-Ethical Life according to the Apostle Paul - June 10, 2002
Yong-Jine Lee (Korean student, Univ. Tübingen)
Abendmahlserzählung in Lukas 22:14-20 - June 24, 2002
Dr. Richard Beaton, (Asst. Professor of NT, Fuller Theological Seminary; Humboldt Scholar)
The Tradition History of the Song of Songs in early Judaism and Christianity - July 1, 2002
Dr. Beth Langstaff (Interim director Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums)
The Authorship and Authority of James: sixteenth-century Catholics and Protestants in Dispute - July 8, 2002
Prof. Dr. D. Hannah, University of Birmingham (Humboldt Scholar)
The Identities of the "Righteous & Elect," the "Kings & Mighty," and the Sinners: Towards Establishing the Sitz-im-Leben of the Similitudes of Enoch.