Symposia and more
International Symposium
Internationales Symposium
”The Great Commandment: in early Christianity and its Jewish and Hellenistic-Roman environment”
”Das Doppelgebot der Liebe: im frühen Christentum und seiner jüdischen und hellenistisch-römischen Umwelt”
6. - 8. October 2024
Tübingen (Theologicum, Liebermeisterstr. 12)
sponsored by / veranstaltet von
Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums e.V. (EES)
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Flyer (click here for download:)
Poster (click here for download:)
For online access to the presentations click here:
International Symposium
Internationales Symposium
“The Lord’s Prayer: Origins, Significance, and Reception”
“Das Vaterunser: Ursprünge, Bedeutung und Wirkungsgeschichte”
1. – 3. October 2018
Tübingen (Theologicum, Liebermeisterstr. 12)
sponsored by / veranstaltet von
Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums e.V. (EES)
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Poster (click here)
Flyer / Schedule (click here)
Interviews with Symposium speakers
Edited by Beth Langstaff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Michael Tilly
2022. XI, 321 Seiten. WUNT I 490 Leinen 139,00 €
ISBN 978-3-16-161440-8
Links fort he Order of the new Symposium Publication „The Lord´s Prayer“ (price = 139€,hardback, also available as a kindle ebook edition)
International Symposium
Internationales Symposium
»Make Disciples of all Nations« The Appeal and Authority of the Christian Faith in Graeco-Roman Times
»Machet zu Jüngern alle Völker« Anziehungskraft und Autorität des christlichen Glaubens in der hellenistisch-römischen Zeit
30. September – 1. October 2014
Tübingen (Theologicum, Liebermeisterstr. 12)
sponsored by / veranstaltet von
Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums e.V. (EES)
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Topics and Speakers (click here)
International Symposium
Internationales Symposium
"The Septuagint and Christian Origins" -
"Die Septuaginta und das frühe Christentum"
1.-3. April 2009
Tübingen (Theologicum, Liebermeisterstr. 12)
sponsored by / veranstaltet von
Institut zur Erforschung des Urchristentums (EES)
Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Topics and Speakers (click here)
Lectures, Research and Publications
Dr. Dennis Lindsay: Chi Rho Lectures, 18.-20. October 2024,
Central Lutheran Church, Eugen, Oregon.
Click here for details (postcard)
The Second Battle of James: Reformation Disputes over the Epistle of James (1547-1551) by Beth Langstaff, Ph.D.
The Stuckenbruck Library
Earl and Ottie Mearl Stuckenbruck
The Stuckenbruck library was founded by Earl and Ottie Mearl Stuckenbruck.
The library specializes in the areas of New Testament, early Christianity and ancient Judaism. Holdings include not only texts and English translations but also English-language reference materials, commentaries, and secondary sources in general.
The library maintains subscriptions to 30 scholarly journals related to the Bible and early Christianity (some of them 1950-2009), 7 publications classified as series, and has partial holdings of volumes of 10 other Journals, e.g. issues (till 2008) of: Journal of Early Christian Studies, Journal of Biblical Literature, Jewish Studies Quarterly, and New Testament Studies. Among the research tools in the Institute are the Elenchus of Biblica (1968-2008) and Biblica Patristica.
The holdings of the library are listed in the online catalogue of the University of Tübingen, as well as in the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut in Berlin. At the moment the library contains ~2700 books of which there are approx. 700 in Early Church, 800 in New Testament, 760 in Greco-Roman Antiquity.
A study room (desk, bookshelf, Wifi) may also be available upon request for those scholars needing a permanent workplace over some weeks or months. For further questions please contact the secretary.
User regulations:
Opening hours of the library: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am to 12:30 and by appointment.
The Stuckenbruck Library is not a lending library. Exceptions are possible upon request.
Copies available by request during office hours (10 cents per copy). Fees have to be paid cash.
High speed internet (Wifi) is available. Use is free; please note the user guidelines. Password available on request.
Please note: No eating, drinking or smoking in the library!