PO Box 24560
Indianapolis, IN



Blessings for the NEW YEAR

Birgit Hallmann


by Birgit Hallmann

 In Germany, “business as usual” takes a restful and reflective break during the Christmas and New Year holidays.  It has been quiet at the Institute as I have been able to spend time with my two adult Kids, and  Karen and Dennis spend the Christmas Days with their daughter Mia who was visiting from Portland, Oregon.   
As we embark upon this new year, we do so with the programs of the Institute in full swing.  Colloquium sessions are booked up with presenters for the remainder of the Winter Semester.
From all of us at the Institute and EES, I wish you and your loved ones rich blessings in this new year as we all work in our own ways and callings to serve the ONE who is making all things new.