Symposium "The Great Commandment.." 6-8 October in Tübingen
Birgit Hallmann
Updates from Tübingen
by Dennis Lindsay
Our much anticipated international symposium on "The 'Great Commandment' in Early Christianity and its Jewish and Greco-Roman Environment" has now come and gone. From October 6-8 fourteen scholars, both Christian and Jewish, delivered presentations exploring how the double command to love God and to love our neighbor has impacted the lives of God's people from the earliest times, and even up to the present. Proceedings from the Symposium will eventually be published in a bound volume. (Please be patient, and stay tuned for further details!)
Loren and Lois Stuckenbruck together with Prof. Tilly and TCMI guest A. Puzynin at the Institute
At the Institute for the Study of Christian Origins, were especially pleased to host a delegation from our EES board, along with a number of faculty members from the TCMI Institute in Austria.
This group "launched" the symposium on Sunday, Oct 6 with a brief time of worship and communion in our Institute seminar room, led by Dennis Lindsay.